[Debate] Is God real? [Religion] (445)

50 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2007-07-18 13:08 ID:9djxdq4d


In your previous long argument, you only ever claimed this but never backed it up. You never explained why you need specifically the christian god, and not any arbitary god.

Nor did you ever once realize that while you were attacking people for simply assuming that logic exists, you were simply assuming that God exists, which is exactly as baseless an assumption. Actually, it's a worse assumption.

One person says, "I assume that logic exist, and then make my argument."

You say, "I assume that God exist and also that he created logic for me, and then make my argument." Your argument is the by far weaker one, because it rests on not one but two arbitary assumptions.

Of course, there is little point in anybody telling you this, because you are not interested in seeking the truth, but only to support your weak faith with a pseudo-scientific argument that does not hold water but that you cannot afford to admit is flawed. If you did, you might be forced to question other parts of your belief, wouldn't you?

A real christian does not need any kind of proof to support his faith. He rejects any attempt at such a proof as a crutch for the weak. You're a sorry excuse for a christian.

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