Geniuses, IQ and hard work (55)

1 Name: 43 : 2007-07-21 11:58 ID:Heaven

This thread is about Intelligence Quotient (IQ) as in whether it can determine the true potential of a person and the reliability of such test or other similar psychometric tests.

Also, I'd like to discuss whether the "born" genius is better than the hard worker.

I've never been tested myself for IQ but I've met people who have and they don't quite match what you'd expect from them. One of my friends got about 150 but he's a person who cannot do anything by himself.

So, have you been tested? How reliable do you think it is?

2 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2007-07-21 15:45 ID:NxWaaRcY


We don't really have a good test for actual intelligence, as we really don't know what intelligence is. What IQ tests measure is the ability of the test taker on various tasks, not all of them really solely based on intelligence. Most tasks are based on the idea that being able to do a given task measures intelligence in all areas.

For example, most tests have a numbers test in which you choose the next number in a given sequence. The problem is that there's a way to "hack" the test -- if you happen to have seen that sequence before, you'll know what comes next. The same with most other question types -- if you see enough of the same types of questions, you'll get good at IQ tests. You won't get smarter, just look smarter. (<a href=>Article on IQ Tests </a>

Until we can define intelligence in a way that includes all types of intelligence, we can't measure it.

And my IQ is around 115 or so.

3 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2007-07-21 18:41 ID:/iwSrzcV

> whether the "born" genius is better than the hard worker.

Perhaps genius may not be natural, but takes hard work itself to obtain.

> One of my friends got about 150 but he's a person who cannot do anything by himself.

His capability in [whatever] or desire/motivation to do it isn't measured by an IQ test, his ability to do the IQ test is measured by the IQ test.

4 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2007-07-21 19:09 ID:Heaven

>his ability to do the IQ test is measured by the IQ test.

lol no.

If you applied the same stupid mentality to every test, you would find yourself being tested about taking the math test. Bull shit. Sit down and do your work. If you don't you will be pumping gas, or making php websites for shitty companies or something else similary sad.

5 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2007-07-21 22:19 ID:/iwSrzcV


> you would find yourself being tested about taking the math test.

Well, yes. Obviously. Simply cheating would give one a higher score, whether they knew the subject matter or not.

I won't bother responding to the rest of your fool's rhetoric.

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