Geniuses, IQ and hard work (55)

53 Name: IQGUY : 2008-02-04 19:40 ID:GvRdQMvJ


When i was young i had trouble reading and writing, but i was strong at maths. As a result my mother took me to a phycologist to have me analyzed. I did three sets of testing over three days. It turns out i have severe dyslexia and long term momory disorder but an IQ of 161. This was an advanced test and was very in depth, not like the ones schools give.

The way i see it is, higher intelligence is the ability to make links where others cant. An IQ test is a way of standardisng the results to form comparisons.

There are also several diffrent kinds of genius just because i can barely read at the age of 22 doesnt imply that i am stupid. Recently i just got a first class degree,and am currently working on a neural/bionical interface for people who have lost limbs.

Still cant figure out what goes on in a girls mind tho :(

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