Interesting facts (21)

15 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2008-03-20 12:45 ID:kwU7ME8U

The problem with these paranormal effects is that they seem impressive, but in the end have zero impact on the world (for instance, if anyone could predict the future, there would simply not be national lotteries). Even if a minority of what you see is in fact true, it would be usable, and have an impact on the real world. As a side question, I wander what you think about the wrong things: are they hallucinations? And if so, could not all be an hallucination (just like the illusory OBEs induced by electrical stimulation)

>I have had various experiences which cannot be explained by science

Do you really think you have the knowledge to make such an arrogant claim? The point of the story I wrote is that precisely there are many things (like some forms of OBE) which CAN in fact be explained by science. But if in fact you have experiences which really CANNOT be explained by science (and you can reproduce them), you should study them and become quite famous,...

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