Psychology is a fake science (84)

74 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2010-09-27 22:55 ID:LY1pVnoX

I studied psychology. Because it's a young science you're gonna encounter lots of eclectic information that together ought to enhance your view of the human psyche. The process of psychological research itself is very disappointing though, disappointing enough that I feel embarrassed about my field. Psychological studies have a tiny signal to noise ratio: the vast majority of studies published in psychological journals are utter crap. Methodological carelessness, bad constructs, fake references,... One study showed that half of studies were actually completely worthless. 43% were not completely worthless, but still had enough flaws to make 'em unfit for publishing. 7% was worth publishing. (A psychologist can only hope this study is valid for meta-studies as well, therefore including itself in its domaine, and therefore partially invalidation its own conclusion based upon its own conclusion.)

That 7% contains biased research: a physicist does not enter the field because he has personal quibbles with gravity. But a social scientist diagnosed with schizophrenia might just start a personal quest against his diagnosis. There are so many levels on which you can influence and skew your research, it's foolish to believe controversial topics surrounded with lots of different agenda's get threated objectively.

So assuming social researchers are competent, sane and honest, there's still some basic limitations concerning psychological research. There's such a heavy reliance on statistics that many studies have to be repeated lots of times before one can eliminate chance entirely, and can reach meaningful conclusions. Just think of questionnaires, and how much effort you usually put into accurately completing them, and you should get an idea how such measurement can be problematic.

And even IF there's a meaningful conclusion reached by sufficient research by competent, sane and honest social scientists, IT'S USUALLY A CONFIRMATION OF COMMON SENSE.

Even though I would very much like to justify my study as to not having spent my college years in vain, I just cannot reach such conclusion based upon what I've seen and what I've learned.

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