Evolution is a DIRTY LIE (136)

114 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2012-09-20 20:47 ID:VWwWcDY8

If I return all the way up to the OP, the claim here is that there is no evidence for evolution. Well, that's one big fat lie.

There's a huge lot of evidence that evolution exists and works, literally thousands of examples and experiment results. If I should name just one of all, there's nylon-eating bacteria. Nylon is a completely artificial material, no such material has ever existed on Earth before it was created by humans and when it was created, there was no organism on Earth that could digest it. But in a few years, some bacteria surprisingly started being able to digest nylon. If god created life at the beginning and there was no evolution, the bacteria couldn't have evolved to digest nylon.

The question whether the life has evolved from common ancestors or whether it was created by some kind of god is of course completely different question. Nobody can return back in time to check that, so what we're left with is evidence in form of paleontological finds, and our beliefs. In short, we can trust science, or we can trust religion.

In my opinion, anybody is free to believe all life and humanity was created by their preferred kind of god any time they consider suitable pretty much the same as anybody is free to believe there is an angel talking to them from their cellphone. The basis of both is about the same.

Personally I prefer believing the smart people who invented cellphones that it's all caused by invisible waves of energy going through me and everything around, and similar smart people who dig in the ground searching for prehistoric fossils and putting our history together from them. But that's of course just my personal preference.

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