Evolution is a DIRTY LIE (136)

117 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2012-10-15 05:22 ID:Heaven

> If matter, energy,time and pancakes were eternal, that means an eternal ammount of time would need to pass before us, so they can't be eternal.

Why not?

> If they aren't eternal they must come from another source, and I'm out of sources if I don't place God there.

Try the "circle of wind" as described in Theravada Buddhist cosmology. There's just as much basis for it as there is for God, i.e. none.

> Where did the first humans get the notion that their morals should agree with the commandments so that we have them today?

You mean Judeo-Christian commandments like "thou shalt have no other gods before me?" The morals of Chinese, Japanese and Indian people certainly agree with that one.

> Let's go from this demonstration of the existence of God to the point of evolution, now. If there is somebody skilled to do it, of course.

I've always thought that people who believe in this 'God', but think He wasn't clever enough to have designed evolution and that everything He supposedly told people from 6000 years ago must have been the literal truth (rather than, say, metaphor for concepts they couldn't possibly have understood) must have a pretty low opinion of the guy's intellect.

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