Evolution is a DIRTY LIE (136)

38 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2008-07-16 00:35 ID:fiPZFTRU

You don't really have to be religiously biased to discredit the theory of evolution:

I never did feel like it was very plausible, even though I accepted it for some time because I was presented with no alternatives. I'm scandinavian btw. I've grown up with evolution theory as unquestionable canon, I've supported it even though in doubt. Now however, when I'm a bit more educated I'm more about supporting what is actually fact. In this light it turns out that the hypothesis supporting evolution theory are virtually vacant of facts, i.e. empirical evidence shines in its absence, testability is virtually zero, scientific tests all fail or have failed. All that remain is heaps of "qualified", but nonetheless unproven conjecture.
Quite honestly, it feels more like the bulk of people endorsing evolution theory do so out of spite for the popular alternatives(just as op claims), wishful thinking/belief and/or lack of insight.

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