Let's fold @ home (157)

70 Name: Furi!EuK0M02kkg 2005-08-04 15:47 ID:Heaven

Ufufu~, no 64bit at all, actually.
A few machines:
Shirayuki: Sempron 2400+, 384 ram, linux command-line client
Karen: Sempron 2400+, 256 ram, winxp command-line client
Work machine: P4 3GHz, 256 ram, winxp command-line client

The work machine has hyperthreading, so it's running two clients. If I only run one, it actually only uses half the CPU time, funnily enough. The P4 virtualises two CPUs so heavily that a pure single-threaded app can only use 50% of the capacity, by the looks of it. :(

My stats reckons I've had five active CPUs, but if that's the case, I can't remember where that fifth one is. Oh well. ^_^

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