So, I'm thinking of getting a new monitor. (12)

1 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2007-02-24 08:02 ID:BNjeAGhB

I am currently using a HP Pavilion mx50. It's alright, Had it for about what... 6 years now. What I'm wondering now is. Is it time for an upgrade? I've upgraded the computer many times, but the monitor has always stayed. But now, I'm thinking it needs to go too. I'm kinda interested in LCDs, They look slimmer, and that means a bit more needed space on my small desk. And they can handle higher resolutions than 1024x768, although I probably won't go that higher anyway.

Anyways, I do indeed place games on my computer, FPSs mostly. I am worried about buying a LCD that would mess up my gaming experience. Since I heard LCDs aren't good for it. With 'Ghosting' and all. And I'm also worried about dead pixels.

Honestly, I really don't know what I should look for, and even if I really need a new monitor(Although I probably will want an LCD since it's just so much thinner than my CRT that takes up 1/4 of the desk.). So I'm asking for help. When checking out a LCD, what should I look for? Any suggestions? Preferably something less or no higher than 200 bucks.

2 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2007-02-24 17:55 ID:L2LoNar1

From what I understand, "ghosting" is mainly a problem for 2D games, especially platformers. For 3D games, it's not an issue.

I don't have an LCD myself though so this is secondhand knowledge. Maybe someone can confirm or deny this.

3 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2007-02-25 16:11 ID:7Rv09G+A

I just got a SamsungBW, inch widescreen

i was stupid all these years.

lcd is excellent.

fucking video card does not support its resolution, now i have to get a new video card

4 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2007-02-26 04:48 ID:finQRWcE

I don't think ghosting is a problem with any but the cheapest LCDs anymore. Response times have gotten a lot better; IIRC, they're down to 8ms or 4ms now? I have an NEC LCD1760NX, which is a couple years old and had a top-notch pixel response time (12ms) at the time, and have never noticed any ghosting.

5 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2007-02-26 05:46 ID:finQRWcE

I don't think ghosting is a problem with any but the cheapest LCDs anymore. Response times have gotten a lot better; IIRC, they're down to 8ms or 4ms now? I have an NEC LCD1760NX, which is a couple years old and had a top-notch pixel response time (12ms) at the time, and have never noticed any ghosting.

6 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2007-02-26 17:48 ID:7Rv09G+A

2ms lcds are out and affordable

7 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2007-02-26 20:46 ID:RXjCybfI

Even my 8ms LCD works for gaming. Blacks aren't what they could be, but it is really a minor complaint.

8 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2007-03-09 15:57 ID:L2LoNar1

Did you guys play 2D platform games?

9 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2007-03-12 03:16 ID:sODYohv2

when I play 2d games of any sort, I don't notice the ghosting until I actively looking at it. It takes effort to see ghosting artefacts with a monitor rated at 12ms or quicker

10 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2007-03-12 18:23 ID:RXjCybfI

Mostly FPS like UT2004, HL2, etc. And Oblivion.

11 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2007-03-14 01:30 ID:57iR6IEF

I've got an LCD Monitor, an Acer AL1912, as well as an LCD TV as my secondary monitor, a Polaroid FLM-1911, and have no problems, as I also play PS2, Wii, and other games on the TV, as well as emulators, WoW, etc... on the main monitor; 12ms or less response time or lower pretty much ensures no problems playing games.. Websites often have sales, and you can pick up models similar in performance to the Acer for 150-200 nowadays

12 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2007-03-15 06:13 ID:ofMOI6qp

>>7 Blacks aren't what they could be

gb2/politics/ u racist!

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