Things You Hate (12)

6 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2008-03-07 01:16 ID:zMZvfUEu

When they keep asking me, "Why has this thing broken?" Fucking shit, why do you care why it's broken? Isn't fixing it more important?

Or launch into a spiel about how broken the device is, or how terrible our service is. Well, wow, okay. Fuck you, assface. I'll go somewhere else then, if you're so unhappy with what I'm doing.

Or lazy techs. You know what? Fuck that, users may be stupid, and obnoxious, or outright treacherous, but at least you expect them to be. Catching someone else, someone else on your own team being an idiot is about three thousand times more annoying.

Catching the project team making an ill-designed application, and then running the fuck away from support, when all you've asked from them is the documentation and at least a clue about what the fuck is up, hey, at least give us a briefing and keep in touch, can you do that at least? GOD, SHIT LIKE THAT PISSES ME OFF.

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