Things You Hate (12)

7 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2008-03-07 01:24 ID:soPYGVX7

Oooh, ooh, another one.

There's this application, you know? One that you'll need to run and probably answer a series of questions or sacrifice puppies or bugger children or something.

It could be a survey, a performance appraisal application, or even just something that you run just to see how much bonus you're getting this year (8 months? Wow, okay. Fuck you, bitch).

It doesn't matter. What matters is that it has a deadline before the application is closed / goes for a break / gets maintained. It doesn't matter.

What matters is that thing has been sitting there for three weeks, and you haven't even looked at the application or, even better, know that it exists (that's what announcement emails are from HR for, assfuck).

And so, suddenly you realize that it needs to be done by a deadline. And you give us a call.

Six hours before the deadline. All several thousand of you. And it happens all the time.

...yeah, I'm bitter.

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