People are really fucking stupid when it comes to technology. (6)

1 Name: grey!C.MxxuCiTo : 2011-05-14 19:33 ID:nJWx28JA

There is definite sort of anti-intellectualism when it comes to technology. People don't want to learn. They don't want to grasp it. They view it as a bad thing. But they still know what martketing companies tell them, they have to have the latest smartphone or they won't be smart!

I mean, fuck, I HATE going out into public with my netbook. It's like walking a newborn puppy in public or something except it's not college girls bugging you, it's grown men and women. Five minutes before typing this some white trash guy with his kid in tow came up and started bugging me with "Eyy das a nise cumpuda. Look at it-EY BRANDON, MERE-look at his little tiny cumpuda." The guy named Brandon comes over. "Who-ho-hoo! What we gut here? Jeeze. Thats things tiny."
And there was this one diluted woman once, she walked by and practically screamed "WOW. Would you look at that TINY baby computer! Is that an EYEPAD????"
She does not even know what an Ipad is but by golly she sure does know it's just got to be the most REVOLUTIONARY INVENTION OF OUR TIME!!!!

Hole-lee-shit. It's a computer, not a puppy. Do you act like this when you see peoples blenders or microwaves too?

2 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2011-05-26 18:12 ID:Heaven

People always have and always will be stupid.

3 Name: a : 2011-07-07 05:30 ID:G/sgbmbf




4 Name: a : 2011-07-07 06:45 ID:G/sgbmbf

3 繋がりで電波干渉が発生している人の周りの男に女紹介して


5 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2011-09-02 11:26 ID:Heaven

I always tell people to consider their needs first. For instance, I constantly get people telling me that I need a newer phone. They’re always stumped by the question of "Why?" I need my phone to make calls and for messaging. It does that already so I’m not upgrading until this one dies. You’re right, they’re just told that they must have the latest thing with no consideration as to what would actually be the best for their situation.

The tablet craze is driving me crazy because people are insisting that they must have one without considering what they’ll use it for. Do you need a reader that’s in color? If not, get a Kindle. If you don’t read, why do you need anything like this? Do you travel often and need to check e-mail? By the way, do you respond to e-mail? If so, buy a netbook. You want to play games? Games for tablets are lame, get a DS. My advice is that if you think you need a tablet, get the cheapest Chinese knock-off you can find. If you're using it all the time and need more from it, then upgrade, but not to iPad because it’s just more marketing than substance.

Most of the time they'll ignore the advice and get an iPad and never use it. It's what keeps our economy in motion, I guess.

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