Pirates of the Caribbean 2 (6)

2 Name: Loopy!YjNyvCYegA : 2006-07-12 14:54 ID:XMljvrEl

Whatever retarded writer came up with the Jack/Elizabeth pairing should be castrated, be cut up and have their wounds filled with salt, thrown in prison with the most degenerate fucks in the world, and then buried alive. In that order ^_^

Nothing more than to please ugly horny virgin girls who will never get laid.

Had to get that off my chest considering the raving that's been done over the intarweb but other than that piece of bad writing, good movie! Davey Jones and his freak show were much more interesting antagonists than Barbossa's crew, who while interesting, were just the undead. Cool but the ghost pirate schtick's been done before. Compare that to a bunch of (literally) sea men who can demolish ships at will with a freakish monster. The scallops wriggling on Bootstrap Turner's face were a nice touch too.

Let's just hope that in the third one Disney tones down on the stupid plot twists (srsly, your fiance is is danger, you go and risk your life to save him, and then all of a sudden you start acting goofy and get all hot over some formerly undead pirate WHO MIGHT STILL BE UNDEAD with the monkey's brief skeletal appearance and the sight of Barbossa at the end as a protagonist of sorts it seems).

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