Things that disturb you regarding some (theatre/movie/tv/voice-)actor(s)( 's skills) (10)

4 Name: Couch Potato : 2007-05-28 22:01 ID:lM9xqiZL


I don't get Lost. I've seen several episodes. It's just stupid. Like how they keep trying to make a big "mystery" around the guy who keeps fucking up every plan that could get them off the island. I don't even get how there even is a mystery. Story-wise, it's simple -- He can walk on the island, and off the island he's in a wheelchair -- long story short he likes using his fucking legs. In Real Life, it's even simpler -- when they get off the fucking island, the show is over -- he's Gillagan in a drama. Way to pick your "mysteries", Abrams.

For that matter, why is Abrams such a "hot" director? really, nothing he's done has impressed me. MI:3 that's supposed to be all great is just another action flick. And action flicks aren't that hard to make. Things go boom, and you build a story around getting the characters to the places that are going to go boom, and possibly causing the explosions theirselves.

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