top movies to see for 2009 {the movie year} (5)

1 Name: cobrataxidriver : 2009-05-09 22:24 ID:ordHUNcO

my is transformers2 gijoe t4 and dba

2 Name: AnonymousMan7 : 2009-05-11 07:27 ID:Heaven

Star Trek was good, I enjoyed Wolverine as well.

3 Name: Couch Potato : 2009-05-11 16:54 ID:LhsUR0GM

Star Trek was great. They got the character interactions down pat. The tech was great, the story too - it is a phenomenal addition to the franchise.

Wolverine was okay. I mean, it delivered on its promises, I just never realised it was promising little.

4 Name: cobrataxidriver : 2009-05-12 20:16 ID:4sTDISMa

kill Wolverine!!! for cobraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!lol

5 Name: cobrataxidriver : 2009-06-04 16:16 ID:QuW0XvVT

startrak was ok but t4 was awsome

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