The Last Airbender (11)

6 Name: Otakun : 2009-07-13 06:58 ID:0Dw2VQTw

>>5 You're kidding right?

Its a movie based of an animated televsion show that is heavily influenced by CHINESE culture and martial arts! The cast of the "good guys" are all pretty much your teenage white kids and the "bad guys" are indian! When I saw the trailer it left me crying as the biggest disappointment of a movie based off a great show since Dragonball Evolution will soon hit theaters... ONCE AGAIN! GG M NIGHT! GG!

I dont' mean to be racist... but can't we give the Asians a chance? Pretty please? At least let us have our martial art stereotype >_<

But in the end I'll still watch it and the rest of my soul...

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