Suggestions (10)

4 Name: Anonymous : 2012-11-20 01:37 ID:HaCX1pc1

Look dude, you probably dont want to her this, but you need to. If you are watching two to three movies a day, lets say each one is about two hours. Then that's four to six hours a day spent watching movies. The average person sleeps 10 hours a day, and that means there are eight left spent in the day. Let's say about an hour on meals combined and getting ready for the day/bed, then you'll only have six hours left in your day.
I am a physiologist, and I know a bit about habits like this. They are extremely close to always linked with some sort of bad social experience. The subject seeks to escape reality temporarily through movies.
This means less time for friends and work and school and family and relationships and exercise and other hobbies and the list goes on. Also, there is a high coorilation between vision loss and electronics.
Bottom line, it is ok to seek meaning in movies, but not as often as you do.

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