Tom Hiddleston (1000)

975 Name: anonymous : 2014-09-07 18:04 ID:iBJcHVMR

www.corriere. it/cultura/14_settembre_05/james-ivory-venezia-mi-ha-insegnato-l-ingenuita-0e045376-34f0-11e4-8bde-13a5c0a12f77.shtml

Il prossimo è per il 2015: Riccardo II di Shakespeare, «meno visto del Riccardo III , molto interessante: al momento stiamo aspettando Tom Hiddleston, il protagonista. Sta facendo Coriolano in teatro a Londra e poi tre film uno dopo l’altro. Dopo, c’è in programma il mio».

>>972 (I studied Italian) Ivory said TH, it's among quotes so it's Ivory's words not the journalist's (who should have translated better because that "Sta facendo" is just wrong). Also this is not some gossip magazine, it's a newspaper so it's reliable.

Difficult to beat BenWhishaw's but happy for him.

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