Tom Hiddleston 2 (1000)

105 Name: qaz : 2014-10-08 13:35 ID:3ddwDn6V

>>104 That's exactly how I understood it - someone mentioned her accounts on that blog and she reacted. (Of course I may be wrong). With regards to caring, I didn't mean she still cares about fan-courting, etc., but about being mentioned.
So, OK, you decide to return to social media, a few overinvested fangirls on tumblr blog notice that, so what? Keep those accounts protected, or even don't, make them about work if you need - sooner or later they will see there's nothing interesting or TH related and will move on. Why all he drama with paying attention to them, name changing, account deactivating or whatever?
Eh, but what do I know. I am just an outside observer, she's a grown woman with PR experience (if I remember correctly).

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