Tom Hiddleston 2 (1000)

404 Name: anonsy : 2015-01-01 01:02 ID:5WWI5Lfd

A big portion of the Tom Hiddleston tumblr fandom is extremely gullible and will take as gospel whatever "insider info" is fed to them. My theory is that the group of people that catfished that poor Victoria/Shaitana woman on tumblr last year are the same ones who fed Town Bike all of her original information. IIRC there were three people involved in the catfishing of Shaitana - a male who impersonated Tom/one of Tom's friends, a "former FWB," and the "ex" Samantha. They had an elaborate system, Skype accounts, e-mail addresses, and UK phone numbers. All of Town Bike's info showed up within a very short period of time, from a "friend," a "former FWB" and the Samantha story - all the same fake info repeated. Even though the Samantha story was completely discredited, people for some reason still want to believe all the rest of it and whatever else gets posted on Town Bike.

This nw3anon keeps changing her story. I think the account is run by one of the people who has been trying to discredit Town Bike repeatedly over the last year. They're usually pretty convincing at the beginning but then can't keep their own story straight.

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