Tom Hiddleston 3 (1000)

549 Name: Anon. : 2015-08-09 18:59 ID:tV4U1BfJ

>>548 If he were to travel to Berlin to see EO - sightseeing, eating bratwurst, more pap strolls - I'd unplug my modem and head for the bunker. Fandom implosion! It could happen, ladies, so gird your loins.

The screenings seemed to go okay: some glowing tweets and some reports saying that it needed editing/tightening up. Not instant perfection, but maybe on its way to being a really good movie.

It will be interesting to see how the first proper reviews go.

As for the 'cheating scandal' which hasn't really blown up into a scandal in the true sense of the word, well, Hollywood has seen worse scandals and the actors/actresses involved have survived and gone on to win nominations and awards.

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