Tom Hiddleston 5 (1000)

634 Name: Anon. : 2015-12-12 15:12 ID:Fv92fJtP

>>633 AND Perez and JustJared.

Poor Tom - I don't type those words often. Maybe casualty is too strong, as I don't think - neither do I think you do - he's going to come limping out of this.

However, he's certainly smack in the middle of the mess, especially since the articles I've skimmed mention their (EO and TH) 'relationship' coming hot on the heels of broken engagement. None I've seen outright say that TH was the cause of the breakup or that it was 'an affair' in the true sense of the word.

Whether the 'reason for' or the 'rebound after' - TH is certainly getting some column inches - probably not the type he'd like though.

I bet he's happy to be on a tiny island with lots of jungle right about now.

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