Tom Hiddleston 6 (1000)

234 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-01-12 11:10 ID:Heaven

>>233 lex, I'm hardly your biggest fan, actually quite the opposite, I honestly can't stand you at all, especially because I know they kind of things you were posting last here on tumblr, so I know the level of your delusion and obsession.
But, for once, I wasn't even referring to you.

That being said, can't you just let go and go back to your twitter? Things are the way they are, which is either they are together in one acronym form or another, or they are not.
You coming here to the rescue, as if we need you to do our thinking, not only doesn't make any difference, but given your reputation it pisses people off to the point where even if you say something sensible they are going to ignore you.

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