Tom Hiddleston 6 (1000)

624 Name: Anon : 2016-01-27 22:18 ID:bgcXLLLp

>>623 Now that is a very sensible suggestion. Of course nobody knows anything, but I do sometimes wonder about using that fandom staple, Globe Trotting Tom, to explain every anomalous sighting on Twitter or wherever, when some must be mistaken or bogus. We know he sometimes does long haul trips for short stays (eg Evenng Standard awards Nov 14) but the idea that he flew back from Oz to LA for a couple of days presupposes an almost preternatural stupidity on the part of his diary manager (OK, it is Olly here so anything is possible). He was in LA to promote TNM about 3 weeks earlier and nobody said, oh, we have some voice work to do while you're here? And instead he waits till his doubtless much needed national holiday long weekend off, and instead of another ride on an angry bird gets to spend a total of 30 hours on the plane (I looked it up - evidently I can contrary to my previous wailings....!!)

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