Tom Hiddleston 6 (1000)

689 Name: NewAnon : 2016-01-29 14:24 ID:SKuCBz5r

Is Tom ignoring Lizzie and not returning her calls? Is this Star article her revenge since one of his movies DVDs just came out? And it's the same movie that had everyone gushing about how absolutely gorgeous Hiddles and Chastain were looking together on the red carpet? So much so that Lizzie darling copied Chastain's body language and personality for the ISTL Nashville premiere in a cheap imitation and ended up looking cringe worthy instead with all that seagull flapping on stage?

Yes I'm shading hard. Yes I believe EO's team did this one. Tom's team wouldn't do a gossip piece like this. This one is slamming him and making him look ridiculous. An Olsen knows how to play dirty games like this.

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