Tom Hiddleston 8 (1000)

266 Name: Anon. : 2016-05-09 22:32 ID:btpAqiIL

>>247 I wasn't gone for that long!

>>247 >>248 I think people like me are the reason it's been called divisive. I won't be going to see it in the theatre. High-Rise got my $9.99 and that's it. I felt so discombobulated by...everything. And then I started to think too much about it. Do I feel discombobulated because the people in the building feel that? But the people in the building behave like everything's normal. Is this allegory or metaphor? What the hell? As I was doing that, I missed the paint fight, Laing humping on the pregnant lady and an orgy and had to rewind.

I didn't find it too violent; that wasn't the problem. Oddly, I think it was as lacking in flow and cohesiveness as ISTL. I would have been one of those walkouts.

>>264 Muffin and Crumpet seem like small dog names. Muffin's no name for a golden retriever.

>>260 You can cut and paste most emojis into message boards: No ๐Ÿฑfor Tommy but he's got a big ๐Ÿ“.

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