Tom Hiddleston 8 (1000)

283 Name: Anon. : 2016-05-10 20:13 ID:TnlrgsHc

>>279 It's our couple-time activity!! I learned with the Italian, and then my fiancé and I took lessons together when we were going out. TH is actually the guy I would pick, because I would look sooo much better! He just needs someone to say, 'Stop. Stop. Breathe. It doesn't need to be this way.' Talk about internal decapitation. It wouldn't surprise me if that girl were in a neck brace.

>>281 Flask. It needs to happen. Remember, I took 3 mini wine bottles in with me (after a full one at home) and it was still pretty bad. And I don't even mind his singing or southern accent! Anon, girl, you need to be TANKED.

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