Tom Hiddleston 8 (1000)

459 Name: Anon : 2016-06-08 06:25 ID:NAvnUPQi

>>458 I just don't know. I didn't like Craig - too unsubtly thuggish - and Tom could be a more suave, intelligent Bond. But have we ever seen him do sexy? Like really sexually predatory? He has done sex scenes I know but even in CP (where the trailer made it look predatory) the actual scene was all sweet and lovey. He's he guy you take home to mum, not the one you have unsafe sex with in the back of his car.

Also Tom feels very establishment. In the books Bond was an outsider - raised abroad, didn't go to the right schools, not quite "one of us". That kind of got lost in the film adaptations. I feel that Idris Elba would play that very well - the corridors of power are not (quite) so upper class as they were but they are still very white. So a black working class Bond would be true to the spirit of the novels. And Idris = super hot.

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