Tom Hiddleston 8 (1000)

627 Name: anonsy : 2016-06-17 11:33 ID:Ma2JpFf8

>>624 It's unfortunate. As much as I enjoyed speculating about his personal life, his desire for privacy and authenticity was a big part of what drew me to him. This social-climbing, tabloid shitshow has really disappointed me - I liked to think he was "above" this sort of thing. Oh well. I don't see it lasting more than a few months, but the fact that it's happening at all... I'm over him. Not upset, not angry, just... eh. Turned off.

I'll still see his films when they interest me - he's a great actor, that hasn't changed. And I'll still hang around here, mostly because I kind of love all of you regular posters. Plus I can't help but rubberneck at this absolute wreck of a PR backfire. But my heart-eyes for Tom are gone.

(Sorry, this was all a bit dramatic, wasn't it? Lol!)

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