Tom Hiddleston 8 (1000)

788 Name: Anonon : 2016-06-20 16:48 ID:RTcby6nc

I'm still laughing at the power fist.
The thinking man pose has annoyed me beyond belief for so long but this is taking it to another level.

There is nothing accidental about this shoot. Having worked on plenty like it I can assure you both TH and his PR would have overseen the design and watched every shot in the monitor like a hawk. Nothing gets past them without their approval. If they don't like the shoot it's buried or reshot. I'm pretty sure the text and release date are their call too from conversations I've overheard.

He isn't dumb. He's a bit of an idiot and I'm like this idiot for all the wrong reasons. Heart eyes to the current entertainment value but I think soon I will pity him, which is not hot.

Some more comedy gold:

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