Tom Hiddleston 8 (1000)

795 Name: Anonon : 2016-06-20 21:12 ID:EHs2xGqt

New photo from Met. Where's that body language expert?

Putting on tinfoil hat

I'm casting some doubts on the timeline. This seems a little too cosy, too familiar to be a first dance.
What if there was a real cheating scandal, that it was no coincidence he was invited to Wintours dinner party the night before and then seated next to Swift at the Met. The Sun got wind of the scandal and blackmailed the exclusive rights to the photo op- the timing of its release was mighty circumspect. This latest photoshoot would then have been orchestrated as part of the relationship rollout because it just doesn't make sense otherwise. It looks like it should have accompanied his TNM press tour but it comes out now to showcase Mr Swift?

Takes tinfoil hat off and hides

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