Tom Hiddleston 9 (1000)

261 Name: Anonon : 2016-06-25 23:26 ID:jSUQ7wvB

I go out for a massive bender and come home to MORE PAP STROLLS.

Oh stahp puleeze

Why does Tay Tay's face look like mine will in a few hours when I suddenly regret my recent life choices, am incapable of dealing with present trauma and stifling the need to vomit? At least I will have memories of a night of pure hedonistic joy and laughter, she looks like she sat on a pole and swivelled while making a mental shopping list.

She does look chunkier (shameless body shaming).
I can't quite comprehend why she would want to go through all this famewhoring, potential marriage and a life with a family that bores her to death for a Hiddlespawn conceived on a first fuck.

I'm also thinking of migrating to the datalounge TH is ghey board (in lurk mode 'cause they scare me)

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