Tom Hiddleston 9 (1000)

933 Name: NewAnon : 2016-07-02 07:08 ID:ixRvQFyw

>>930 Her fans insanity levels make the craziest Hiddlestoner look relatively normal. I'm still a little shocked at how her fans track her planes. Twitter sightings at an international airport vs. actual real time tracking of a private wonder she has all that security detail. The way her fans worship her, there's no telling when one could lose it.

>>928 They could have decided to lay low until Australia. I believe it's a serious relationship so I'm thinking we'll definitely see them together in Australia. Maybe even some outings with Elsa P and her kids. It'll be interesting to see how they do their pap strolls now that people have been calling them out for staging their outings.

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