Tom Hiddleston 10 (1000)

625 Name: Anon : 2016-07-08 07:54 ID:hOUUKweE

>>598 So I read this tumblr. I am glad there is someone out there with a different perspective.

I don't agree with this perspective either, though. Whether or not he calls himself a feminist, he doesn't owe his fandom to go out with a feminist (still less someone that writers at Jezebel consider to be adequately feminist and intersectional or whatever this week's buzzword is).

I also really don't think she's an "awful fucking human being" because she is a poor excuse for a feminist (which she is). If you think that is the pinnacle of awfulness, you also have the mentality of a 15 year old, and/or you are not reading the newspapers.

My beef with this is that:

(1) TH is an apparently intelligent and cultured 35-year old man with a formerly respected career making himself look stupid. He is fully entitled to do this if he wants but I find it embarrassing.

(2) TH has said on many occasions that he values his privacy, it's all about the work, we don't need or want to know about the man behind the performances etc. He has also repeatedly said that insofar as we do see the real him in interviews, he strives to be authentic. Everything he has shown us over the last few weeks suggests that this persona was a construct. TH appears prepared to use his private life for publicity - and in a remarkably calculated way. He and TS purport to be spontaneously demonstrative and in love, and the victims of press intrusion. But there are numerous pointers to large elements of these "pap" revelations (not all) being wholly orchestrated by them. Many celebs do this to some degree and I don't mind that if they are honest, or at least if they keep their mouths shut about it. But there is a particular feeling of betrayal that comes with the realisation that a persona which had authenticity at its heart turns out to have been a carefully constructed and calculated fake.

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