Tom Hiddleston 10 (1000)

629 Name: Anon : 2016-07-08 08:56 ID:hOUUKweE

>>627 "face deep in pop princess panties" hahahahahaha!

There isn't much Tom love being expressed in the mainstream media. And it is noticeable that the "support" blogs on tumblr are either a small group whom we know of old, or a lot of blogs with names like "iluvtaylorandntomandiam12" whic I am guessing haven't been around that long.

I did see that cheers-mr-hiddleston, who has so many followers that she was asked to do some publicity by the ISTL producers, has gone very quiet. She posted a video blog in which she castigated people for saying they would boo him at ComicCon and pointed out that he still has a body of work which remains the same. But she also said that she had a view about some of what had gone down which she would never express, and that she felt someone was holding her rose tinted spectacles just out of view. If she thinks that, as one of his most loyal and well-known tumblr it's, it indicates to me that there is now a pretty fundamental problem in his fandom. (She seems to be a traditional Southern girl and I wonder if she has drawn the same conclusion about the timeline that Calvin/everyone else in the world did).

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