Tom Hiddleston 10 (1000)

959 Name: NewAnon : 2016-07-12 23:54 ID:QrAHUnpX

>>958 From what I remember Shaitana/ Victoria was an unhinged fan obsessed with Tom and spent hours analyzing him and his pictures and his facial scars etc etc. She hated all his gfs, I mean HATED. Shaitana/ Victoria herself was catfished by someone on Tumblr and thought she was talking to THE Tom Hiddleston over phone and Skype chats. No video of course. All voice and text. I guess the Tom impersonator told her some unsavory things about Tom like he manipulates emotionally weak women, he cheats on every gf, alcohol and substance abuse, sleeps with his fans, etc etc.There was something in there about knocking up some girl in LA during his Thor days and how she's his only one true love. Lotta weird stuff.
After that Victoria told anyone who'd listen that Tom himself told her he was this way. I don't know exactly how she went about making ppl believe that or how she catfished the Astro lady though.

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