Tom Hiddleston 11 (1000)

373 Name: Anon : 2016-07-18 09:12 ID:zRGlmuDi

"We caught up literally moments after he had been nominated because he wanted to revel in his fun moment, and who am I to say no to that?

....We don't talk about that [TS] in this conversation. It was brought up, partially because it's so in the news he kind of wanted to, I think he wanted to address it in some way and he wanted to acknowledge that this, you know, is a thing, we ran an article in MTV're not going to hear me talk about TS in this, that wasn't my agenda, that wasn't his agenda, I don't really care that much to talk about that kind of thing and I don't think he does either. The quote he gave me was, I think, simply to nip it in the bud, hopefully, and hopefully not, like, to turn it into a bigger thing than it already is."

So there was a private convo about TS in which TH made Josh his media bitch by foisting on him a quote about something Josh would have been too much of a gentleman and a friend to ask TH about. That's my reading of this anyway.

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