Tom Hiddleston (Lucky 13) (1000)

275 Name: Sosorry : 2016-08-26 20:32 ID:2f57j049

  1. I'm waiting for the movers to arrive in an only slightly air conditioned apartment, and I need a distraction : )
  2. I'm deeply fascinated by the symbiotic relationship between public figures and the press agencies. The way celebrities are frustrated by the intrusion of the press into their lives. And yet, how celebrities need the press to promote their projects, and moreover, remain in the public consciousness when they are out of the public eye (filming, recording albums, etc.)
  3. I'm amazed by the business sense an acumen of TS. How does she remain mute except for a lovely cat video and a kale growing clip on Instagram and seem perfect to her fans, and yet, manage to lead the headlines every single day? While TH, a verbose and seemingly mature multi-lingual former academic, now seems awkward and confused? How do they both agree to literally sell their relationship to the highest bidder after keeping company for under a week, and expect the public to completely believe any narrative they present to the tabloids via their PR, when the pics seem so staged?
  4. And how do I, an opera student and theatre nerd, start out by admiring a jobbing thespian, and somehow get sucked into watching the machinations of that actor and a teen pop princess? Its just a topsy turvy situation that makes me giggle.
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