Tom Hiddleston (Lucky 13) (1000)

572 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-09-10 16:44 ID:/dRQNS9U

>>542 Anon, I'm back and forth (no pun intended) on whether or not they ever slept together. I'm inclined to think they did it a couple of times early on - the rare times they were truly alone (June - RI and her NYC pad). How could TH not resist trying?

The rest of the time, it was all family (TN and the UK), bodyguards (Rome, Australia, LA), and friends (4ofJ in RI) in bedrooms close by. Not exactly passion-inspiring. Lots of excuses to avoid it.

>>543 Couch, I've been researching the commitment-phobe rumor about TH, hence those articles. I'm not trying to make him out to be blameless in either breakup - even though I'm not a fan of TS's ways. Both 'relationships' show how fame thirsty he was. I believe there was physical attraction, not sure about the rest of the equation. I haven't really found anything except those articles.

OTT regarding someone's post (earlier this thread or the last one) about Josh Grobin breaking up with Kat Dennings. Earlier this week in ONTD I came upon a link to a bunch of Gaby Dunn tweets in May 2015 about Josh hooking up with fans. Someone took the time to put them in chronological order on Storify. It starts with talking about other male celebs:

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