Tom Hiddleston (Lucky 13) (1000)

617 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-09-13 08:34 ID:/dRQNS9U

>>613 Anon: Having sat as the foreman on the civil suit proceedings of a murder trial, I'm glad mine was lowkey in comparison to TPvOJS. We were not sequestered, thankfully.

>>614 Couch: during the TNM rewatch I was able to see what you initially said back in March or so when you said TH's acting suffered because he looked like he wanted convicted to or convinced of what he was doing. It was the expression, or lack of it on his face in so many scenes. Exhibit A: Poolside with Corky, Jonathan Pine looks at him while squinting with his mouth partially open, not steely-gazed like Bond. I also blame the direction. The only thing that saved the scene was the shot of his ass as he turned around to face Jed on the other side of the pool.

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