Tom Hiddleston (Lucky 13) (1000)

869 Name: Anon : 2016-09-23 19:57 ID:2N6FC+ZQ

>>868 I knew someone on here would know! I haven't been keeping up as I don't follow her (too nauseating). I hadn't heard the Voyeur's Motel rumour but it sounds like that is what she is spinning and that the murder stuff is the "controversy" she is alluding to.

>>866>>867 As far as I am aware TH's Twitter follows over the last 6m at least have been easily explicable and very specific to current issues and personal concerns - so by way of example, he follows AMC, journalists who interviewed him, and Bernie Sanders. The only follow for a project we haven't yet seen was the guys who did the as yet unreleased UNICEF feature. His follows are something I do keep an eye on and I would have googled anything unusual.

How funny that the super clever one has changed what she said she was. I definitely don't keep up with that!

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