Tom Hiddleston (14) (1000)

275 Name: Anonon : 2016-11-24 11:51 ID:eW7Ci6Ef

>>274 An excellent hypothesis. None of these points are mutually exclusive. It is a given fact that the majority of his glory projects flopped. He's a man driven to success- that would have stung and caused him to consider alternative fast-track methods which he would have otherwise shunned. Herald in the Swift Experience.
I still think it's most likely a combination of all points. It sure as shit wasn't true love since the exit was so "swift" and the method so uncharacteristically flagrant. As you point out, none of the options are appealing. He's either a famewhore or a faker or desperate.
I'm left wondering just how hard it is to be in a loving normal relationship when you're famous. Others seem to manage just fine, and perhaps that is the key- they are not as overtly MANAGED.
I have always felt TH is a little too handled by his minders.
FFS TH, just hook up with a hot chick you really like and be normal. It's not that hard and it's appealing to see someone have genuine feels for someone. Once a month maybe parade that shit if you have to. Be exclusive. How about trying to be an enigma again. That worked.
As for his acting, I am similarly fenced but consider ISTL was most likely his best role in terms of character immersion, the shit director should take no credit. Future roles are the test for me, as to whether he has finally shaken his stage presence on film.

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