Tom Hiddleston (14) (1000)

315 Name: Sosorry : 2016-12-05 01:39 ID:bbgAObmX

Thank God Team denied that OK article that TS asked TH for permission to write a song about him, and interesting that Luke didn't deny that they had a "fauxmance." Wow.

>>312 But, could someone please help me understand the PR process in regards to the dailymail pics of Breakfast Tom in the new jacket/Tom running by the Taylor Swift pop art homage to Roy Lichtenstein? Thanks!

  1. Is Team Tom coordinating all these breakfast photos with the DM to generate his own press, and is the DM adding the summer stunt with TS images just to get more clicks?
  2. Or, is Tree Paine and Team Swift telling the DM to talk about the stunt to build her brand, because TS is overexposed right now and hasn't been seen since Thanksgiving?
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