Tom Hiddleston (14) (1000)

333 Name: Anonon : 2016-12-06 07:45 ID:gf62V8hj

Hi all,

I've been too busy to post but kept up on lurk mode.

Gotta say I'm loving the dull and repetitive pap shots. Anything's better than the hyperbole of Swiftshittetry.

I'm trying to stay away from talk of 'team Swift' and 'team Tom'.
It's exhausting and a tad paranoid and I just want to go back to my pre Tay Tay state of innocence believing Tom was a nerdish buffoon with only a slight predilection to fame- mongering and the butt of many jokes.

Honestly, Swift is the only one with a large and efficient team.

>>327 We had a song of the day just after his official split from Swift. That was his first move. Which would have seemed a little less desperate if he'd kept it up for a little while instead of just the one tweet.

I imagine the next SO will be hidden with a dash of side- JArthy.

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