Tom Hiddleston (14) (1000)

458 Name: Sosorry : 2017-01-09 04:25 ID:bbgAObmX

>>457>>455>>456 Hmmm...I see your point. But at least he dedicated the award to the doctors, and nurses, and people out in the trenches doing self-less humanitarian work every day, instead of just referencing himself. Its easy to castigate Tom, or Megan Markle, or Angelina Jolie for having saviour complexes, flitting into and out of war torn areas like diamond winged butterflies. But at the end of the day, they've done more for charity than I have this year. I feel like I have to do much more good work in the world before I can adjudicate entertainers' charitable actions, even when they reference their service in career-oriented, self-serving moments.

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