Tom Hiddleston (14) (1000)

683 Name: Whatsinaname : 2017-02-08 20:38 ID:agI/SFA7

So many comments; instead of referencing as a reply, I'll just add my comments after reading this article twice.

  1. The tone was weird - tepid embarrassment wrapped in sarcastic sympathy. The second read felt like I was viewing Chapter 1 of a fan fiction, introducing an ambitious, naive guy with a humiliation kink. (I'd love to know more about that pathology.)
  2. The t-shirt explanation (>>649 >>652 >>657) - I believe that even though he thought he was in on a group joke, the real joke was on him. He now gets it and it hurts and he's trying to save face.
  3. He slid into the grey area of victim mode, blaming Cupid rather than everyone else (himself, her, her PR, his PR, etc). He sounds beaten down (and I think it's honest, not an acting job. Call me crazy...)
  4. I got that the relationship on lasted 2 months - when he went back to Australia by himself in early-mid August, it was over privately, though not announced for another month. Is that what you all read?


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