Tom Hiddleston (14) (1000)

722 Name: Sosorry : 2017-02-10 07:25 ID:bbgAObmX

>>720>>721 It's disconcerting seeing someone you think you respect make multiple career slips like this in such a seemingly obvious way, and continue to watch him clearly distort the truth (silly t shirt story) to save his rep. However, I kind of like that Tom a good actor, but a terrible liar. Even though Tom accidentily shortened the TS relationship by half its entire time frame when he admitted that they had ended as soon as he flew back to AU for Thor 3 following Emmy/SAG campaigning, Tom's ability to seem wounded by the consequential public humilation, loss of his rep, and judgement by the general public (his own fault) in vocal tone, body language, etc. allowed Taffy to portray him as if he is in pain, and hence some STANS and undecided readers do empathize with him. Wild.

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