Tom Hiddleston (14) (1000)

833 Name: Anonon : 2017-02-17 09:13 ID:9XOTNeyP

>>831 Ha! I'm loving that his most 'insane' fans who staunchly defended any damage to his reputation are now shitting themselves that he has no other projects announced. No, it's not normal. Not at all.
The GQ cover, while marginally increasing his US profile, was obviously negotiated in exchange for an exclusive on TayTo.
There's a lot riding on Shit Island.

This, according to an ONTD user, is a summary of early SI screener reviews:

'It's apparently is like Jurassic World. Big on Kong vs Island creatures fighting, and low as hell on script/plot. 75% of the film is Goodman vs. Jackson, Brie is the damsel Kong falls in love with but it's only a call back and not as heavily prevalent like in the original film and she has minimal screen time. Hiddleston is apparently hilarious because he can't even pretend to feel peril by CGI monsters and his facial reactions are hilarious.

From what I've gathered, it's pretty bad but 'it's covered up by 2 hours of big creatures beating each other up and is only here to set up for Godzilla vs Kong.'

''s a mess..'

834 Name: NewAnon : 2017-02-17 09:27 ID:CE/5pgoT

>>832 Lord...severe eyeroll at that Mirror article. That one smacks of Luke Windsor trying to do damage control but failing miserably. They just to let that disaster go and move on, like they did for Graham Norton Show.

>>833 Doesn't he have that cyborg Frank Miller comic, Hard Boiled with Ben Wheatley lined up? Or is that just in initial talks and hasn't been greenlit yet? So far the SI trailers and TV spots are underwhelming. I can wait til it comes on Netflix. Maybe Tom will end up having to do theater and TV for a year or two after Shit Island bombs and he realizes that maybe character acting is his forte than trying to be leading man. Leading man days were a thing of the 80s and 90s, the concept is pretty much non existent nowadays.

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