Tom Hiddleston (14) (1000)

904 Name: Anon. : 2017-02-20 16:55 ID:GSDTBTOt

>>894,895,897 Yes, that it was a break was obvious to the ones here. Coach and others were talking about his lack of new projects in early 2016, around the ISTL and HR promo tours. Only the crazy veranda dwellers and stans wouldn't admit that he didn't have anything lined up. They've tricked themselves into thinking he's A-list, that he's turning down scripts right and left, that directors and producers are begging him to be in their movies - when that's just not the reality of it.

The real question is whether the break is enforced. Part of me thinks that he'd never stop working. I mean, come on, he didn't have anything lined up for the summer and decided to take the part of 'Contract Boyfriend 7.' That's a worker bee for you. But hearing him talk about coming home for the first time in many months makes me think that maybe - just maybe- he might have wanted this. It maybe helped that the writing's on the wall in regards to using Tayto as a career springboard (more like a springboard into an empty pool), i.e, he doesn't need to fully take advantage of the boost he got from Tayto because there wasn't one (despite what the dears in the veranda say).

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